It is in all respects the opposite to the death. So, if a man should say, "I expect only that which I have earned, and demand only that which I have deserved and have properly acquired," and should that prayer be answered, he would, today, be a beggared savage. And undoubtedly the service of sin is of all others the most laborious. S. Storrs, D. D.)Life in ChristT. And how about the end, when the gift is received in full?3. The pivot word is "gift." The wrath of God abideth on him that believeth not on the Son of God; it is there already.6. "(b) Sin strikes at God's very being (Psalm 14:1). (1) See how by many diseases and deliriums the drunkard destroys himself; he has only to drink hard enough, and his grave will be digged. (2) In freedom from physical and mental pain and sorrow. Here is the gift of eternal life. (1) Its demands are high. (1) It issues in death. This we received from those to whom it came as an inspiration of Providence, and an operation of intelligent, unwearied power. (1) It issues in eternal life. A life of —1. We must not take it as the separation of the soul from the body, for that is rather the consummation of death, the last blow given to the falling tree. The realisation of it dispels our sorrows and forbids our tears.V. Freedom and gladness come from other gifts, but here is the supreme one of all. Turn now to the things which come from God. A. "free gift." At the same time it is true that men are receiving gifts from another, where they cannot make any return whatever. To be sitting up when others sleep, and to go to bed when others rise; to be exposed to quarrels, to have redness of eyes, a weakened body and a besotted mind? The Biblical Illustrator. The epithet, "eternal. (3) No death. The service of sin is at first promising. Rather than receiving what you deserve, you can have what you do not deserve. So, if a man should say, "I expect only that which I have earned, and demand only that which I have deserved and have properly acquired," and should that prayer be answered, he would, today, be a beggared savage. Death is rendered to us in justice. It is necessary for the very standing of the universe that sin should be punished. This He has done from the impulse of His own amazing generosity and love.III. Believe and live. Herrick Johnson.I. Receive it as freely as your lungs take in the air you breathe.2. Poverty and riches, slavery and freedom, darkness and light; but no contrast is so forcible as that between death and life.I. (3) Now death is not, therefore, what men sometimes call it, the debt of nature. What a vast transition from an oyster to the leviathan! Adam was lovingly warned by God not to eat from this tree, because it will defile and darken him. E. Keeble.Men are born to serve. The wrath of God abideth on him that believeth not on the Son of God; it is there already.6. (3) This selfishness may assume a great variety of forms. Sermon. An familiar verse is that found at the end of Romans six... "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (3) This selfishness may assume a great variety of forms. Here is the gift of eternal life. (4) To create in us that holiness of heart and life which makes us "meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. Sin is discovered under two distinct aspects. A master employs a man, and it is due to that man that he should receive his wages. It will be the folly of follies to go on working for such a wage. In what does it consist? THE BURDEN WHICH RESTS ON HIM WHO REJECTS ETERNAL LIFE. Gratitude for God's gift impels every touch of the heavenly harp. SIN. An apparently hard service, slow progress. Perfect immunity from all the sufferings and dangers to which we are here exposed.2. (1) The dead cannot earn life. But it is a gift that comes only on certain conditions. Here is —I. Let us not thus treat God. God absolutely refuses to sell salvation. The parallel in natural life is the same. Natural. The parallel in natural life is the same. We say pestilence is the judgment of God, and so it is; but it is His judgment on wilful neglect, blindness, selfishness, and wrong. H. Spurgeon.I. THE CONTRAST IN THEIR BEGINNINGS.1. Had power of choice, are responsible. Rigg. G. Horton.I. At the same time it is true that men are receiving gifts from another, where they cannot make any return whatever. Perpetual freedom from all these is a common blessing to all.3. G. Horton.I. There are some who deny this to be properly sin at all, because nothing can be truly sin which is not voluntary. The service of sin ends badly. Its nature. Fools they are indeed for doing so. The life of the present is an undeserved gift. There is a short radius to a child's circumference of happiness. (1) The death of the body is but the result of sin. But who shall determine the full and adequate deserts of sin? Thus we see how many of the things which we enjoy have come to us as gifts. Scripture teaches us otherwise. The work they have to perform. They come sometimes in the face of protest. This life begins here at the moment of conversion, when the soul passes from death into life. Bate.). They will be cut off from all their business relationships within the synagogue. The servant is taken into partnership, is lifted up to the throne, partakes of the King's life. Actual sin may be considered —(1) According to the subject matter of it. Sin is set forth under three aspects.1. But their heaven is not Paul's heaven.2. 2. Sermons on Romans 6:23. The parallel in natural life is the same. The pleasure that once enchanted him by frequent indulgence becomes insipid; something stronger, more vicious is needed to stimulate his jaded spirits. Now, God's law seeks the greatest good of all; and therefore, to set it at nought for the sake of personal indulgence, is to violate the principle of benevolence. Men are so accustomed to the exchange of equivalents, that any other course comes with an element of surprise. At first delightful. Sin is discovered under two distinct aspects. Fallen man loves sin and dreads death. And more than all is one surprised to find that he is the recipient of such a gift from one unknown, or one to whom he has stood in the relation of neglect, perhaps of hostility.2. (1) In freedom from sin. How will the drunkard, the epicure, and the wanton bear the absence of those things that alone used to please their fancy and to gratify their lust! "(1) It is called "life" par excellence, emphatically "life," true life, real life, essential life. 21). (5) They belong to all grades of society. Unlike other employers he never diminishes the number of his hands, for if any are by grace persuaded to leave his service it goes much against his grain. Indeed, action is only a consummation of desire; and could we imagine an outward action performable without it, it would be rather the shell and outside of a sin than properly a Sin itself. As we come to the end of Romans 6, Paul completes this contrast between slavery to sin and slavery to Christ. For some sin, all you had to do was replace what you stole. (2) Eternal life. For this end — to put men in possession of eternal life — the Redeemer was given; for this purpose He laboured, suffered, instituted His gospel, and sent forth His ministers.2. Play! Now let us read the context, Romans chapter 6, beginning at verse 13: It admits of degrees; the more it prevails, the more it grows, and the commission of sin inevitably paves the way for the perpetration of many more; and the final stage is reached when the conscience is seared as with a hot iron, proof against every appeal, and resolutely bent on his own eternal destruction.2. His workshop is the world. Satan has no old pensioners permitted to end their days in peaceful idleness.3. As an act or acts. For example, if a worker labors in a field for a full day, he will receive a full day’s pay. SIN. The ear of one is satisfied with a rude melody; another man is thrilled to the depths of his being by delicious harmonies. Life is not something to be earned. Who will take it now?Eternal life the gift of GodJ. Spurgeon. The wicked are turned into hell by a just and holy God; and the same reasons which send them there must avail to keep them there. God absolutely refuses to sell salvation. THE SECRET OF PEACE, in simply accepting this Divine gift from the source of infinite compassion and grace. Sin bears date with our very being, and indeed we were sinners before we were born (Ephesians 2:3). They have no power to make themselves good, and being immortally evil they must be immortally shut out from heaven. G. Horton.We have to notice three words.I. THE CONTRAST IN THEIR BEGINNINGS.1. We sometimes call this life integrity, which is wholeness or soundness of being: sometimes rectitude, which is erectness and strength: and sometimes sanctity, which is separatedness from evil and devotedness to God.2. All these are the outgrowth of that self-will and selfishness in which sin essentially consists.3. He will give to any, but barter with none.2. Death is the ultimate wage of sin. The realisation of it dispels our sorrows and forbids our tears.V. And to the diseases of the body we may add the consuming cares and troubles of the mind, all made necessary by the first sin of man, and which impair the vitals as much as the most visible diseases can do. In every lust which he cherishes, he embraces a dagger and opens his bosom to destruction, he who likes the wages, let him go about the work.(R. They have exchanged the knowledge of God for a lie and worship a creature (verse 21). As state. It is everything; leading to it is the gift of God.The promises by which the believer is led to expect it — the great change by which he has become entitled to it and qualified for its enjoyment — the Lord Jesus, by whose merit eternal life was purchased — all these are gifts of God.III. (c)Continuing till — eternity.(J. This argument as to the right of the race to eternal life lies at the basis of our thought this morning. What to any of the great philosophers who brought us the laws and principles we possess? If the reward be not in the grosser form of money, or in that which money can purchase, still it is true that one earns his wages. (3) This development of evil will be incalculably accelerated and aggravated by the absence of everything enjoyed on earth, and which helped either to restrain the malignity of the disposition or to relieve the wretchedness of the feelings. The Outcome of Life Romans 6.23. See for what wages you are working; part are being paid now, but immense arrears are being treasured up in the future. Then comes "the peace which passeth all understanding."III. Well, then, we have to think of them as failing from some cause or other to do God's will, which is sin. The riches, joys, and capabilities of the celestial life are measured by the service rendered; "to every man according to his works," "five cities," or "ten cities," as the case may be. (b) The sin of our external actions, theft, murder, uncleanness; and to prove which to be sins, no more is required but only to read over the law of God, and where the written letter of the law comes not, men are "a law to themselves. And let us learn not to look at anything in ourselves to justify our expectation of it: and let us not, when we find nothing but demerit in ourselves, be disheartened, but believe that when we were fit only for everlasting punishment, God stepped forward to grant unto us eternal life. The pleasure that once enchanted him by frequent indulgence becomes insipid; something stronger, more vicious is needed to stimulate his jaded spirits. The law, though in principle always one, has nevertheless many particular precepts, and is outraged by the violation of any of those precepts. And how much more is this true with the gay man of the world. These all are the gift of God, bought, and given to believers,(Prof. Herrick Johnson. But it would not be right to call them so. SIN. It is dark, as was the mount, until the Lord rose, in the luminous majesty of His presence, above it.II. Who does not know by experience that a day's pleasuring is more tiring than an equal number of hours' work? His workshop is the world. These may be the wages that improved faculties would add — the reward of an approving conscience, of a sense of usefulness — perhaps a sense of increased influence for good, by reason of that which has been faithfully and unselfishly done; or in the very highest possible service of philosophic endeavour or Christian duty. But who shall determine the full and adequate deserts of sin? We read of the kingdom of Satan in contradistinction to the kingdom of God, into which sin translates God's subjects. It is the gift of God. One of the most basic truths in God's program involves the fact that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).The death we are intended to understand is the second death.There are only two ways to satisfy this basic truth: First, all humans must be paid that wage because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Thus we see how many of the things which we enjoy have come to us as gifts. E. Keeble.Men are born to serve. ITS NATURE. Death is rendered to us in justice. The riches, joys, and capabilities of the celestial life are measured by the service rendered; "to every man according to his works," "five cities," or "ten cities," as the case may be. Hence, we read of men being "born in sin," and remaining "dead in trespasses and sins." Life. Adrian Dieleman. "She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth." The idea of a gift coming to one suddenly and undeserved he does not entertain, except as a fiction, such as may amuse him as a daydream. See for what wages you are working; part are being paid now, but immense arrears are being treasured up in the future. Being committed against an infinite majesty, it rises to the height of an infinite demerit. They that sow must reap. (3) And where this perfection relates to a spiritual creature like man, there must be incessancy of progress, or development.II. I suppose all of us at one time or another have received a gift. when he is to grapple with surfeit and indigestion? There is one glory of the sun, another of the moon, another of the stars. It is the antidote to spiritual death, for it brings us into union with God. Unspotted holiness.5. All that God has shall be spread out and open to us forever in riches of grace inconceivable in their glory and infinitude. Is it not still a free gift? (1) It bereaves a man of all the pleasures and comforts which he enjoyed in this world. (b) The sin of our external actions, theft, murder, uncleanness; and to prove which to be sins, no more is required but only to read over the law of God, and where the written letter of the law comes not, men are "a law to themselves. 2. )Death the wages of sinR. "free gift." So, we accept it through Christ (1 John 5:11). (2) Besides, he is still the subject of the law of progress; and therefore, as the ages of his immortality advance, each will leave him worse than it found him. max volume. it is for death.(T. He gives the great inspirations of thought to man, and great deliverance to nations from impending calamity. It is true that grace does save such. When done all, unprofitable servants, (R.V.) I may, as I may put aside sunshine itself, by shutting my eyes to it. You think you are working for pleasure, for gold, for honour, but lo! 21). If men in the world to come could say, "This misery has come upon us arbitrarily, quite apart from its just results," then they would derive some comfort. The malefactor is made as pure as a babe. Memory shall lose nothing, the mind pervert nothing, and the heart shall repel nothing. Before we commit any acts of sin, and as the source of all we do commit, we have a sinful nature — a bias to go and to do wrong. “Wages” are the opposite of a gift. In the second chapter of Genesis, God says, “But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat” (Genesis 2:17). Or organism all day long they are sowing in you the seeds of disease and death ''. Can only be restored to us only by appropriation spirit, he must taste death for every single sin... Due are given in perfect equity, an exceeding great reward, and for their burden.... By obedience from the source of infinite compassion and grace Capernaum during Galilee! 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