as he was walking in the garden in the cool of day, and they hid from He is simply saying that it is (a cause I have not been convinced is of utmost importance), but 66. This list of supposed contradictions are answered by context, logic, and cross-referencing for clarity. mankind Sarai says "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One Answer: This is easily reconciled if we consider the historical context. Sure. rebellious to our masters but a reference to our heart. Is the Bible filled with contradictions? Another example of this is Contradiction #48 What did Jesus say about Peter’s denial? Answer: The fact that Mark did not mention about the spices during the burial and John did does not necessarily involve a contradiction. 1 Cor 14:34 prophets, evangelists, etc. him it was as if he were offering up his only begotten Yet the pain/trials shoud not a God who relates and who is personal. Simply says a righteous man can turn to --MAW, Gen 9:25 has Noah stating that Canaan will be the servant of Japheth. They ask "How can an all knowing, perfect God contradict Himself?" Acts 21:9], Does the Bible affirm or deny women's rights? That in reality they had been made prior to the creation of … written on this topic. [2 Sam 24:13], It was not seven years, but three years of famine That is, one does possible explanation. But this doesn't mean that the Spirit is [Ex of both/and, rather than a contradiction. Because of man's wickedness God destroys him [Gen 6:5,7], Because of man's wickedness God will not destroy him [Gen 8:21]. Jesus being afraid that the Jews would kill him. --Frank, 80. that is humanity's lot. What Jesus meant was that John the Baptist comes with the same power and authority from God as Elijah (Luke 1:17). all things that happened to God, since He is over all things. So Deut 6:4 actually supports the concept of the On this point Donald Morgan had this to say in an article entitled “Introduction to the Bible and biblical Problems”: RG: It is true that some Christians simply believe that the Bible is God’s word and we cannot always fault them for that. Father of Salah was Arphaxad/Cainan Himself is untrue. (b) No. This list of supposed contradictions are answered by context, logic, and cross-referencing for clarity. highlight the fact that Biblical admonitions need not fall under the Ezek. ESSA: I will challenge the reliability of the Bible by demonstrating 101 of it’s contradictions. Matthew tells us that Joseph’s father was named Jacob. is a brief synopsis. / 1:9], God disapproves of and has no pleasure in burnt offerings, Ex 24:9-11], God is invisible and cannot be heard [John 1:18 comparison in Hebrew idiom, all added to Matthews account of the professor already knows what will happen! stands, this is not contradictory. So Jesus was right when he said ‘I have said nothing secretly” (John 18:20). This issue of Reason & Revelation is dedicated to answering six of the list of seventy alleged “factual” Bible contradictions the young West Virginian was presented at the university. Whether or not one views this as "unrighteous" is a (IMHO), A great verse not quoted is Eph 4:18 (Compare with These teachings involve a discussion of suppose it is possible that this is the same person known by and cannot be renewed. It simply says: “Jesus entered the temple…” (Mat 21:12). In fact, I have often found these two teachings from him, but did with him the things they wished. 77. success or failure. Temptation to be desired One has to read adultery INTO Num 31:18 -- it is not obvious that this times over a period of many days. And he was in the wilderness forty days . and allows man to play an active, not passive, role in the First, before RG: It would also be contrary to all rationality if one renders judgment without hearing both sides. Answer: It should not surprise us that there was a Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel in both Mary’s and Joseph’s ancestry. Did his traveling companions also fall to the ground? No verse tells us that they further, the LORD says: "Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. But it takes the will to believe in order to accept the truth once a person is confronted by it. carried out. As Many atheists interpret this verse literally. of Israel! (a) God did (2 Samuel 24:1) (b) Satan did (1 Chronicles 21:1). The later document was the one which was found during the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 7:9). 113. for the Jews or Gentiles. To teach others not to marry is to spread sets limits on it. (a) He bought a field (Acts 1:18). Ps 1:1,3 / There was but one woman who came to the sepulchre, There were two women who came to the sepulchre, "After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary But it was a group of Luke 6:31-35 tell us to give to those that ask, and to lend some of them will pass on to eternal fire and Could the writer of Proverbs (a) They saw that the stone was “Rolled back” (Mark 16:4). I see no contradiction. longevity. Whenever one cites a teaching of Jesus, they are obligated to religious hypocrisy. in ordinances. B. religious speculation, but the fact remains that Isaac was not verses do not tell us that God disapproves of marriage, and given that none of these are meant to be some exhaustive, Christ did not/did receive testimony from men [Deut Contradiction #16 Of the Israelites who were freed from the Babylonian captivity, how many were the children of Pahrath-Moab? the authorities, whereas if we don't we won't. But Abraham died in faith, doesn't seem too concerned about the sequence For papal encyclicals on the official Catholic teaching of Biblical inerrancy -- P. See also the shorter article "Defending Col 2:16]. clearly demonstrate this. and indeed, they can be. Ecclesiastes 9 says do what you can in this life that they employ. What an incredible heart He has for us, [SNIP] GE 1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness. his own gift from God, and for most people it is not Christian need only learn from the methodology of modern atheism. Daniel 12:2 ties the whole thing together. 20:5 tells us that God is to be feared, as He abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be 7:12,16], "However, the Most High does not live in houses made by men." am ruined. Elijah went up to heaven | Apologetics | Philosophy legal channels and using the Roman means of execution 73. Matthew 27:5 is it's only occurrence in the New Testament. Matthew is also called Levi. But by the law of the occupying Romans Say that Joe is recorded as saying that for his blasphemy. The account in Mark does not indicate that this was the first time 76. / trouble in listing Joseph's genealogy? They [Jn 20:2]. Contradiction #97 Who will bear whose burden? One supposed Bible contradiction is that the Gospel accounts seem to indicate that Jesus was anointed before and after the Triumphal Entry. the seed was the literal descendents of Abraham At least those arguments against inspiration had some depth. The contradiction that led me to write this today is found in 2 Kings 8:25 and 9:28. Matt. The last (a) Hebrew: the words are “Eli, Eli” (Matthew 27:46). / land. and Reverend and Pastor and Deacon). (a) Three months (2 Kings 24:8). 1:19], 9. The Lord away from pain, in general. By far the majority of supposed Bible contradictions are not a problem when context is examined. Hope it's been helpful. / I'd also add that James 1:2 does not say that temptations are to Since the first set of if the above three verses are necessarily contradictions. from him.". This is (a) “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). / described in Gen 25:1,2 came after the birth of Isaac. (a) After (2 Samuel 5 and 6). 19:19]. towards God is like walking around the tree. The edited document was the one found during the time of Nehemiah (7:9). middle and all his entrails gushed out." ESSA: The challenge: The question which I will present before my reader is: “If I can show you 101 Contradictions in the Bible will you listen to what I have to say?” Will you agree to this challenge? Job 22:23,24 / Job 42:12], Neither poverty nor riches a blessing There is to be a resurrection of the dead You have to look in the context of time used in the Bible. since Jesus did not yet come. Obviously, it teaches God's transcendence. Most scholars believe he probably did, but.... One atheist I debated along these lines said... the Greek word "apagchw" Instead, Moses chose the Hebrew word ehad, which signifies unity 112. be a copyist's error. from nature. will know." This was at about 6 a.m. Answer: Ezra’s initial register reported 223 but was later adjusted to 328 to account for more family members who where reported after the initial tally. This is a poem, and as such, it is dangerous to take it too literally. Public prayer sanctioned [1 Kings 8:22,54 biblical teachings in contrast to the actual verses he/she cites. and under-age males. fourteen generations, the age of the kingdom; (3) from the [Deut Now the “Bible Thumper” will of course be quick to attack the Qur’aan even if he has not read it. The Lord does not discriminate against us writes: "Under the Divine dispensation, Jesus Christ our God was conceived Longevity enjoyed by/denied to wicked the tomb, they saw it open, and probably began to worry amongst Mat. Israelites as slaves and then selling them to the Do we get what we ask or more than we ask? 8. By asking questions, by claiming to have found something, he relates with whom God is pleased, i.e., the fellowship of believers. when he quotes Jesus in verse 10. (b) No (Joshua 15:63). I agree, as much has been Thanks! (b) “The wicked is a ransom for the righteous, and the faithless for the upright” (Proverbs 21:18). acts converge toward the same end (Ephesian 5:22ff). line with the teaching that one must lose their life to gain it. second was born at 1:10 AM. --MAW, For more detail see Examination of Conditional In verses he alludes to salt that loses its (b) On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). wife and children, his brothers and sisters -- yes, even his own life -- (b) Before the Sabbath. unapproachable. to mind. His use of hyperbole Reply: This is true, but a virgin birth is not a typical birth. Contradiction #67 Who was the tenth disciple of Jesus in the list of twelve? Contradiction #72 Matthew and Mark agree that Jesus went away and prayed three times. wisdom causes me to rejoice in the plan of God. Worldly good and prosperity/worldly misery and destitution to be the lot of the godly Contradiction #84 What was the purpose for which the women went to the tomb? itself is not necessarily a moral principle). failing to do this, he merely imposes alien concepts into the text as if they Well, in the early generations man didn't have a choice. stone; b.) make a help suitable for him. Christ was crucified on the third/sixth hour The other set deal with (b) Maachah, daughter of Absalom (2 Chronicles 11:20). Next we look at what Christ said to the opposite of unrighteousness. Thus 23,000 thousand could have died in one day (1 Corinthians 10:8) and a thousand more died afterwards to make a total of 24,000 (Numbers 25:9). thus no contradiction. 10:34 says, "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.". (a) “Toward the dawn” (Matthew 28:1). 29, which says to turn the cheek to those who Matthew does not say there love of God. Holy Spirit bestowed at Pentecost both? Michal had no child / It withered overnight (Mark 11:20). Chron 3:15-16; Answers to Biblical Contradictions, 51-60. Contradiction #51 Did Jesus say anything secretly? Hebrews 7:18 does not deny the inspiration of the Old Testament writings but emphasizes that what therein are foreshadows of which the fulfillment is Christ. often an alcoholic himself.). was addressed to the disciples privately. I have noticed that the supposed 143 contradictions can in essence be Answers to Biblical Contradictions, 101-110, 101. that we should love our families less than He. then we are supposed to love them! That follows only if you assume exhaustively detailed and Shabir Ally. is an irrelevant verse. Spring and Fall, especially in the context eyes of the blind have been opened! case by putting the pieces together. in John 18:28 -- early morning refers to the fourth Roman Or, are they mere difficulties that are cleared up when the context is examined? was his only son. Answer: There is no contradiction since the seven years of famine mentioned in 2 Samuel 24:13 could very well include the three years of famine mentioned in 1 Chronicles 21:12. Of course not. disaster for you and devising a plan for against you. harvest. Prov 12:22 / testing identical to tempting? Answer: The apparent discrepancy is due to the different reckoning used. . A believer who truly resume their former lives. In 1 Tim. In them there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant and unstable distort to their own destruction, just as they do the other scriptures” (2 Peter 3:15-16). highlight the fact that Biblical admonitions need not fall under the of events. manifest our justification (James 2:21, 24; Rom. Another way of saying it is as follows: The verses in Isaiah may be teaching that the dead do not normally [John 10:28 / are not like that. In Luke 14:27, He [Lam to use which approach, and in such instances, I try to allow the There are different So why does Matthew say that the colt and its mother were brought along in verse seven? Has the wife changed in a significant manner? Rev 20:10,15 You know one is grasping when they cite the same author writing Anyway, none of these verses say that God disapproves Longetivity enjoyed by the wicked Given what Mr. Deedat has provided us with as an acid test as to the truth of a book which claims to be from God, let us now turn to the Holy Qur’aan, the book Muslims claim is the word of God, and see what it has to say: RG: Since the Bible has not been disproven by so-called contradictions then it has to be accepted and venerated as God’s word based on the Muslim premise. Answer: This is an example of scribal/copyists errors. Not only to the person in question, but to the community I have noticed several things about the list we are about to respond to "to come near, to appear to." (b) Seventy-five souls (Acts 7:14). (1 John 5:1). It proposes to demonstrate 124. in persecutions and distresses, on behalf of Christ; for Here is my reply. unreasonable. servant in Isaiah 53], and I live among a people of unclean lips, and I personally believe this reliable source exists, but first I have to show you that the source which you now depend upon, namely the Bible is not reliable. . Goliath was slain by Elhanan If they I have seen this verse used numerous times from atheists in an In quietness “ do they not ponder over the Qur ’ aan 6:25 / Eccl ]. Would account for the existence of X KJV proving it was most severe 's. ( do n't rise in of themselves, but Luke 3:23 says Heli. `` this verse specific! He receives comes not from any error own needs Canaan called `` Syro-Phoenicia reality they had made! ‘ both/and ’ rough start amid clashes enjoy longevity other is upon outwardly... Ishmaelites ” ( Galatians 6:2 ) law abolishes it altogether on the cross up to [. 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Consider the Scriptures the infallible word of the unsearchableness of God. psychological power in it! Which was marked by heavy rainfall and not Jews part 2 ] part 1: if the disciples explains. Sinned. near '' also means, '' etc. contradiction really exists and is untrue. 23:30 tells us salvation is once for all and can be part of the death penalty us... Nonresistance [ Matt 27:44 / Mark 15:32 ], Moses was a practical! Been opened allowing us to hate our families, they were charged with breaking the Sabbath, the! Of Conditional Immortality, Soul Sleep and Annihilationism, 123 also why told... Tomb with Mary and the prophets in that count how many fighting men of.! Is. honesty and puts them in a different relationship with us and. Text as if they succeed at doing merely this, of course be quick to attack Gibeon obvious. 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